Books, Ginger Ale & SO Much Star Wars

I was sick this weekend. Some sort of mild stomach bug that was really more of an annoyance than anything.  Because I didn’t want to give it to anyone and I wanted to kick it fast, I stayed in all weekend, lounging on the couch like Jabba the Hut. Oh man, I just pictured Jabba theContinue reading “Books, Ginger Ale & SO Much Star Wars”

Breakfast Wars

My 6-year-old nephew is obsessed with two things: Star Wars and pancakes. He is also constantly asking “What if” questions. “Auntie Kendra, what if Hogie turned into a piece of toast?” “Uncle Tim, what if you turned into a really mean zombie?” So I guess it’s not that weird that over chocolate chip pancakes yesterdayContinue reading “Breakfast Wars”

10 New Emoji Demands I Mean Suggestions

Someone asked what I’ve been up to and I was like, um, DUH, I’ve been doing what everyone is doing. Thinking about emojis. How many times have you tried to text a devil’s horns emoji only to have to settle for a fist emoji instead? It’s almost like abuse. How are we supposed to express ourselvesContinue reading “10 New Emoji Demands I Mean Suggestions”

Her Hair Was Kinda Curly

I don’t think there’s a girl alive with curly hair who doesn’t have pluck.  Curly hair is a gamble each and every day and if you choose to rock your curls without straightening them, you have nerves of concrete. One day you might, for instance, find that your hair has air-dried into perfect ringlets.  YourContinue reading “Her Hair Was Kinda Curly”

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