The Top 10 Books I Read in 2018

2018 was a busy year for me. I published The Haunter, wrote its sequel, Ghostapalooza, traveled a lot, tried a bunch of new stuff, and even went to Disneyland. I also read 61 books, down two from 2017 and nine from 2016. But, what my reading year lacked in quantity it made up for inContinue reading “The Top 10 Books I Read in 2018”

I SAW A REAL BUNNY: A Weekend Without My Phone

I think the bunny came around the forty hour mark. So, I was pretty unplugged by then. That might account for my level of excitement when Tim pointed out the tiny creature in the yard. But, I think it was more that I’d never seen a bunny in the wild. Well, except for jack rabbitsContinue reading “I SAW A REAL BUNNY: A Weekend Without My Phone”


So, I was in the bathtub doing a little self-care (gigantic “crystal power” bath bomb, a glass of Chardonnay and the August issue of In Style magazine with Serena Williams on the cover) when I realized I was good and truly stressed out. Like, epically stressed out. Sometimes I don’t know until my body tellsContinue reading “MEGA-SIZED BATH BOMBS: A TALE OF STRESS”

The Top 15 Books I Read in 2015

One cool thing that happens as you get older is that you embrace your quirks, your manic tendencies. For example, I have to unpack everything the second I get home from a trip or I imagine I’ll, I dunno, explode or choke to death on mini-toiletries. I’m okay with this. I think it’s just swellContinue reading “The Top 15 Books I Read in 2015”

Hogie Yells and Eats Stuff

Well, as of yesterday, we’ve officially had the pleasure of Hogan McSmall’s company for nine years. I instagrammed a pic from when we first brought him home and it’s the first time in my entire life I’ve felt compelled to use the #blessed hashtag. (Don’t worry, I didn’t actually do it. I’m not that mushy.)Continue reading “Hogie Yells and Eats Stuff”

Hogies and Tigers and Dalmatians Oh My

Today is National Dog Day, which for our little family is sort-of like, well, any given Wednesday. At breakfast I asked Tim what we should do for Hogie and he shrugged. The dog already gets all the treats, all the toys and all the love but it’s a fair exchange because he gives us allContinue reading “Hogies and Tigers and Dalmatians Oh My”

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